

Linda Rosengren
Linda Rosengren har efterträtt Anneli Yngvesson som har gått i pension vid årsskiftet
Linda kommer närmast från en tjänst på Danske bank i Kristianstad, där hon arbetat med finansiell rådgivning till företag.
Innan dess har hon under flera år arbetat som ekonomichef för en koncern i Kristianstad.
Hon är uppvuxen och bor i Åhus och på fritiden umgås hon gärna med familj och vänner.

Zanda Krievina
Zanda was born in Strenči, which is a small town with forest history and traditions.
She has graduated Forest Faculty in Latvia – bachelor’s degree in Forest sciences and Master degree in Forest Economics and Politics.
Zanda has been working in Latvian State forest as a certification specialist – involved in FSC and PEFC forest certification system
and since 2024 responsible for SUSAB Latvia umbrella.
Her hobbies are skiing, hiking and trail running.
Zanda will be stationed at the Madona office in Latvia and work in north part of Latvia.

Davis Berzkalns
Davis has Professional Bachelor in Forest Science and Engineer of Forestry degree.
After university he has gained some experience in previous jobs as shift manager in sawmill and
woodchip production manager. Latest work was with forest and agriculture property valuations
and selling in real estate company forest department.
In free time Davis enjoys hunting, sport shooting and playing ice hockey.
Davis will be stationed at the Madona office in Latvia, but work In central and west part of Latvia

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